Zeta Tau Alpha Province XIV-A

ISU and Franklin Zetas Score Big at Homecoming 2010

photo credit: Heather Matthews Kirk
Gamma Chi chapter members at Indiana State University have a stack of fresh accolades after an outstanding Homecoming weekend in Terre Haute.  ZTA claimed the following awards:
9th place poster
5th place in Sycamore Sync
4th place in float
4th place in Trike qualifications
3rd place dance unit
3rd place overall sorority
2nd place overall in pairing with Pi Kappa Phi
AND a repeat CHAMPIONSHIP in Trike!

photo credit: Heather Matthews Kirk
In addition, ZTA had a tent in Tent Town where alumnae and collegiate members could reconnect and share stories and sisterhood during this special time together.  This was a favored hangout as sisters of all ages demonstrated that Zeta IS forever.

photo credit: Minta Dolph Rather
The spirit at Beta Theta chapter at Franklin College is nothing to shake a stick at, either.  Franklin Zetas were awarded the Homecoming Spirit Stick for their demonstration of pep at the annual pep session and privy burning.  (Yes....the Grizzlies burn an outhouse.  If you really want to know the story, let me know.  I'll blog it.)

Of course, with a burn ban in place for Johnson County, no privy was actually burned this year.  Fear not, traditionalists!  A few years ago the campus added a "mini-privy" decoration contest.  Take a look at the ZTA entry...which is a little scary in its resemblance to the suite exterior.

Congratulations to our winning chapters and best wishes to those whose Homecomings are still ahead!

Central Indiana ZTAs Serve the NFL

photo credit: Heather Matthews Kirk
Zeta collegians and alumnae from central Indiana helped turn Lucas Oil Stadium pink this weekend.  Women from Indianapolis Alumnae, Indiana State University, Franklin College, and IUPUI gathered at the home of the Colts to place pink signs on each seat of the stadium.  Prior to kickoff, fans stood and cheered while holding the signs, turning the sizable arena pink in support of breast cancer awareness.

Thank you, sisters, for giving of your time to make a huge impact!


Indiana State ZTAs Welcome 14

Gamma Chi chapter welcomed 14 outstanding new members into the ZTA sisterhood on Sunday.  A week of hard work and dedication to all ZTA can be culminated in a quota-filling new member class.  Excitement was the dominant theme of the day as new members ran to the chapter, chapter unafilliates returned home, and each Indiana State Zeta took a step toward a bright future..  

Check out the Province Photo blog for pictures from the Province President’s visits on Friday and Sunday!

Convention News



Province XIV-A Awarded at ZTA Convention

Zeta Alpha's Silver win was the culmination of a week of wins for our Indiana chapters.  The state boasts 3 Crown Chapters, 1 financial improvement award, 3 Founders Circle members, 3 Highly Commendable Academic Awards, 3 Quota/Total Awards, 1 Helping Hands winner, 2 Foundation scholarship recipients, and the top two ZTA Foundation donors in the world.

In addition to these accolades, chapter officers took part in programming to prepare them for the next phase of My Sister, My Responsibility and strengthen their chapter's risk management.  They met with National Officers to discuss the current status of their chapters and game plan for the future.  They networked with ZTAs from across the country and across the years to form connections that will support those goals.

It was a jam-packed week in New Orleans, and your officers are returning to your chapters with a lot of ideas and goals they can't wait to share with you!

Indiana Collegiate ZTA Awards 2010

Quota/Total Award
Alpha Theta, Purdue University
Beta Theta, Franklin College
Zeta Alpha, University of Evansville

Financial Improvement Award
Alpha Xi, Indiana University

Helping Hands Award
Alpha Xi, Indiana University

Highly Commendable Academic Achievement
Alpha Theta, Purdue University
Alpha Xi, Indiana University
Beta Theta, Franklin College
Zeta Alpha, University of Evansville

ZTA Foundation Scholarships
Ashley Rodenhuis, Beta Theta, Franklin College
Tiffany Brewer, Gamma Chi, Indiana State University

Founders Club ($10,000 over 2 years donated to the ZTA Foundation)
Alpha Theta, Purdue University
Alpha Xi, Indiana University
Zeta Alpha, University of Evansville
*Of special note:  Alpha Theta was the #2 Foundation donor in the world this biennium and Alpha Xi was the #1 Foundation donor in the world this biennium!  Great work, ladies!

Crown Chapter Award
Alpha Theta, Purdue University
Beta Theta, Franklin College
Zeta Alpha, University of Evansville

National Council Special Recognition
Zeta Alpha, University of Evansville